1 |  | Ranulf the Leper | Swerdfield Pastures |
2 |  | Dorian the Vain | Slifmoor |
3 |  | Wide-Eyed Puck | Wild Forest |
4 |  | The Kingshill Kid | Hagastove Grotto |
5 |  | Ranulf the Leper | Rootrock Cavern |
6 |  | Dorian the Vain | Wildherz Caverns |
7 |  | Wide-Eyed Puck | Catacombs |
8 |  | The Kingshill Kid | Crypt of Kings |
9 |  | Ranulf the Leper | Eternal Grove |
10 |  | Dorian the Vain | Liar's Lair |
11 |  | Wide-Eyed Puck | Prison of Souls |
12 |  | The Kingshill Kid | Twilight Downs |
13 |  | Jorus the Sly | Nahuatlan |
14 |  | Sable Grimhand | Fjalnir's Cradle of Frost |
15 |  | Kellan Waldhorn | Fyrgon's Path of Fire |
16 |  | The Bane of Lor’Tac | Oceanus' Opal Shrine |
17 |  | The Grimford Strangler | Cradle of Life |
18 |  | The Nightshadow | Cradle of Death |
19 |  | Ranulf the Leper | Frog River Delta |
20 |  | Dorian the Vain | Stillwater Bay |
22 |  | The Kingshill Kid | Greyling Forest |
23 |  | Jorus the Sly | Tidal Wildwood |
24 |  | Sable Grimhand | Hall of Paradoxes |
25 |  | Kellan Waldhorn | Great Desert |
26 |  | The Bane of Lor’Tac | Spiky Valley |
27 |  | The Grimford Strangler | Treasure Cave |
28 |  | The Nightshadow | Evergreen Oasis |
29 |  | Cyris Wallach | Deeps of Demise - First Floor |
30 |  | Jax the Oathbreaker | Temple of Agony |
31 |  | Phelan the Numbskull | Heart of Atlantis |
32 |  | Caden Whispertongue | Ship Graveyard |
33 |  | Korvin Silverblade | Mystra |
34 |  | Lysander Wildblood | Spawning Ground |
35 |  | Vex Ashton the Third | Temple Sector |
36 |  | Thorne Ravenwing | Abyss of Time |
37 |  | Orin, Scourge of the High Seas | Atlantis Above Water |
38 |  | Sylas the Bandit King | Temple Sector |
39 |  | Ranulf the Leper | Mount Suvius |
40 |  | Dorian the Vain | Troll Canyon |
41 |  | Wide-Eyed Puck | Burning Coast |
42 |  | Kingshill Kid | Loxley Caverns |
43 |  | Jorus the Sly | Stonekeep |
44 |  | Sable Grimhand | Foxarrific Burrow of Investigation's HQ |
45 |  | Kellan Waldhorn | The Hidden Sanctum |
46 |  | The Bane of Lor’Tac | Dragon Caverns |
47 |  | The Grimford Strangler | Tegan's Sanctuary |
48 |  | The Nightshadow | Fortress Teganswall |
49 |  | Cyris Wallach | Suburb of Cardhun |
50 |  | Jax the Oathbreaker | Library of Cardhun |
51 |  | Phelan the Numbskull | Brigavik |
52 |  | Caden Whispertongue | Tetaconetl |
53 |  | Korvin Silverblade | Telepolos |
54 |  | Lysander Wildblood | Fyeborough |
55 |  | Vex Ashton the Third | Tywyll Dail |
56 |  | Thorne Ravenwing | Elysium |
57 |  | Orin, Scourge of the High Seas | Torstrond |
58 |  | Sylas the Bandit King | Iron Forest |
59 |  | Korvin Silverblade | Eternal Watch |
60 |  | Lysander Wildblood | Hailstone Mountains |
61 |  | Vex Ashton the Third | The Misty Ridge |
62 |  | Thorne Ravenwing | Thunder Crest |
63 |  | Orin, Scourge of the High Seas | The Gleaming Mountains |
64 |  | Sylas the Bandit King | Stalgard |